FDOT Proposed Changes to I-275 @ Westshore and the Ybor City Interchanges
Courtesy of TampaBayNext.com
At the V.M. Ybor Neighborhood Association meeting on Wednesday night, 1/8/2020, Kirk Bogen and Ed McKinney from FDOT, along with Elaine Illes, a consultant to FDOT, presented the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the Tampa Interstate Study (TIS) Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS). What the heck does this mean, you ask??!!!
FDOT is currently working with the Federal Highway Administration to evaluate improvements to the local roadways, namely the Westshore Area Interchange (I-275/Kennedy Blvd) and the Downtown Tampa Interchange (I-275/I-4 – a.k.a. Malfunction Junction). This evaluation has been in the works for several years now, with many opportunities for the public to provide input.
The goal of this study is to create a way to improve the safety and efficiency of the major interstate corridors running through the city, while also taking into consideration how these improvements will affect the local neighborhoods. I don’t think anyone wants what resulted from “urban renewal”, when major highways cut through the city’s urban core, leaving destruction of historically significant properties and blight in its path.
From my understanding the of the presentation, the proposed improvements to the Westshore Area Interchange are receiving funding from the federal government, and have been given the green light to proceed. This will include tolled express lanes connecting the Howard Frankland Bridge to the Westshore Area exits, and that will allow travel all the way to Ashley Drive.
The on and off ramps throughout the area will be improved, removing the loop ramps, and more access will be provided on the street level, making it easier to traverse the area via multiple multi-modal means. The area where Charley’s Steakhouse and the DoubleTree are currently located with become a major transit hub. Luckily, room for future rail transit is being designed into this plan.
The funding for the Malfunction Junction portion of the plan is not all in place, so we’re looking at a little bit longer timeline for improvements to this area. It sounds like flyover lanes are being proposed in the area to reduce the traffic weave – which entails essentially playing Frogger while trying to move from a lane way to the left in order to exit all the way to the right. Just like there are two means to access Ybor from westbound I-4, taking you to 21st/22nd Streets and 14th Avenue (to access 15th Street and Republica de Cuba), similar exits will be added when coming from I-275 to I-4 eastbound. There will be an exit at Republica de Cuba to head south into Historic Ybor, at 15th Street to head north into V.M. Ybor, or you may continue onto 21st/22nd Streets.
I don’t like the idea of more traffic possibly coming into the local neighborhoods, although if proper signage is used, letting drivers know they can access Ybor several different ways, this might help to move traffic a little bit more efficiently, and somewhat disperse the traffic heading into Ybor. I’m also looking forward to the proposed changes of making the areas under the I-4 overpasses more open for safer pedestrian travel, better lit with historically appropriate lighting, and adding some neighborhood amenities, like a bike/walk trail along the north side of I-4.
Stay tuned for more updates!